Category: Culture

What is the Point

Some of you may be asking, “What is the point?” What is the point of “motivational” emails, core values, or positive talks. The answer is simple… why not. Without a mission and supporting core values,… Read more »

Coach Yourself

Coach yourself! No one is coming to save you. No one is coming to help you. No one makes you do anything! Motivation is temporary, therefore we must find a way to prevail thorough adversity…. Read more »

One Thing at a Time

If you have a list of things to do, only do one task. You can only do one task at a time, period. Seriously! Think about that. When you are doing a task, only focus… Read more »

Be Still

[PAUSE] Take a second…a minute…a few minutes. [BE STILL] Close your eyes. Breathe. [STOP MOVING] Focus on your breathing. Focus on you. [STOP THINKING} Focus on NOW. This is your reminder to slow down. Slow… Read more »

What Questions are you asking Yourself

When we face the circumstances of life, we instantly react. These reactions are typically emotion driven and depending on how we react will determine the outcome. With that being said, what questions do you ask… Read more »

Don’t Assume

If you are assuming something, then you do not have all the information. You have to ask questions and have emotionless conversations to understand something. There can be multiple sides to a story, but the… Read more »

Called Out

Maybe it was a good thing I didn’t send out this email yesterday, because the content for this moment was presented to me this morning. All-Around Accountability is one of our Core Values. This not… Read more »

Your Time, Your Choice

If you are able to see and read this email, you still have breath in your lungs, which is a massive win to start your day. The moment your feet hit the ground out of… Read more »

Stop Bottling It Up

I don’t have any “special” words for today, but I will be transparent. I am not going to sugar coat it, today has been a rough day. Everyone has them, but not everyone talks about… Read more »

Be A Good Team Player

Would you like to be surrounded by great team players?! Well guess what, you must be a great team player, first, before expecting it from everyone else. Do you want to know how to be… Read more »